Polish Word of the Day – take off (verb)

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zdejmować take off (verb)

Zdejmij buty zanim wejdziesz do łóżka.
Take off your shoes before you go to bed.

Prawnik zdejmuje ubrania.
The lawyer is taking off his clothes.

Prawnik zdjął ubrania.
The lawyer took off his clothes.

zdejmować ubrania
take off clothes

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Polish Word of the Day – take off (verb)

Learn a little Polish everyday with the free Polish Word of the Day Widget. Check back daily for more vocabulary!

zdejmować take off (verb)

Zdejmij buty zanim wejdziesz do łóżka.
Take off your shoes before you go to bed.

Prawnik zdejmuje ubrania.
The lawyer is taking off his clothes.

Prawnik zdjął ubrania.
The lawyer took off his clothes.

zdejmować ubrania
take off clothes

Own a blog or website? Share free language content with your readers with the Polish Word of the Day with Audio Widget. Click here for instructions on how to embed and customize this free widget!