Why You Need Polish Basics – Basic Boostcamp at PolishPod101

Learn Polish with PolishPod101!

Before Michael Jordan was great. Before Bruce Lee was great.
And before your favorite actor was great, do you know what they did?

They sat around hoping to be great.
Wait, no. They practiced their basic skills every day.

This is why it’s important to get back to the basics of Polish and reinforce your listening, speaking, writing, grammar, and vocabulary. But we’re not talking about the easy stuff, man. We mean the necessary basics! If you learn just the Polish verb conjugation rules but can’t conjugate any verb immediately, on the spot, without looking it up?…

…You need to get back to basics!

Being great in Polish requires knowing your basics 100%.

So check out Basic Boostcamp at PolishPod101! The first 3 lessons are free to access!
Click here to listen to Basic Boostcamp!