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Learn the Most Important Polish Words for Beginners

Learning a new language is an exciting adventure.  When you first set out, it feels like you’re making progress every day. But at the same time, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all of the new words and expressions you have to memorize! We know it can be hard to choose where to start. That’s why we’ve prepared this masterlist of 200+ essential Polish words for beginners. As you study and practice using these everyday words, you’ll be able to start having your first conversations in Polish.  Let’s get started. Table of Contents Polish Pronouns Numbers in Polish Polish Nouns Polish Verbs Useful Polish Adjectives Conjunctions and Linking Words Other Polish Beginner Words Final Thoughts ... Show more

The Most Common Polish Filler Words

Speakers of all languages use filler words, even if they don’t realize it. Language purists hate them and sometimes they’re frowned upon, yet they persist despite these criticisms.  Polish filler words are used in various situations. They can differ depending on what region the speaker is from or even how old they are. Due to their popularity, filler words are an essential component of the language that Polish learners should study to improve their speaking and comprehension skills. Table of Contents Filler Words: Why People Use Them The Top Polish Fillers Filler Words in Polish: Pros and Cons Final Thoughts 1. Filler Words: Why People Use Them  Fillers are words or sounds that people use to let the other... Show more

Learn to Say “I Love You,” in Polish Like a Pole

Many people start learning Polish because their partner or spouse is Polish, and this is a great motivation for language learning!  Whether you have a Polish partner or you just plan to visit Poland in the near future, knowing how and when to use Polish love phrases is an important skill. You never know when you’ll want to say "I love you," in Polish for the first time. In addition, love is a popular theme in Polish television shows, movies, and books, so knowing relevant vocabulary will help your comprehension tremendously.  Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s start with the Polish word for "love":  ❖ Miłość In this blog post, you’ll learn much more than that! We’ll teach you how to flirt, how to say "I love you so much,"... Show more

Learn How to Form Negative Sentences in Polish

Knowing how to form negative sentences in Polish is a crucial skill for learners of the language to acquire early on. There are a few different methods of Polish negation, and today we’ll cover the most important ones.  Don’t worry too much, though. It’s much simpler than many other aspects of Polish grammar, so we’re sure you’ll master these negation patterns in no time. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Polish is a different language. Trying to develop a "Polish mindset" will work better for you than striving to translate exactly what you have in mind in English. Table of Contents Polish Negation: Case Study Answering "No" to Questions Other Words Used for Expressing Negation Double Negatives Final... Show more

All You Need to Know About Polish Verb Tenses

Did you know that English has 16 tenses? You’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that Polish has only 3! Namely, these are the past, the present, and the future tenses.  Polish verb tenses aren’t overly complicated, but they’re definitely an important part of learning the language. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of each tense so that you can understand how they’re formed and used. Table of Contents Polish Tenses: The Present Tense Polish Tenses: The Past Tense Polish Tenses: The Future Tense Polish Verb Conjugations Final Thoughts 1. Polish Tenses: The Present Tense There’s only one present tense in Polish. It’s used for actions that are habitual as well as those that happen in a given moment.... Show more

From Zero to Hero: How Long Will it Take to Learn Polish?

Like many people who are about to embark on a new language learning journey, you may be asking yourself: How long will it take to learn Polish? The answer is: "It depends on the level you want to achieve!" In this article, you’ll find out how long it takes to reach the different proficiency levels of Polish. You’ll also get exclusive tips on how to accelerate your progress and use PolishPod101 to your advantage every step of the way. Table of Contents Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level Final Thoughts Beginner Level How long will it take to learn Polish if you hope to surpass the beginner level? And what skills are expected of you as a beginner (początkujący)?  Here are some answers to... Show more

30 Must-Know Polish Proverbs

As an English speaker, you’re likely familiar with the Polish proverb: "Not my circus, not my monkeys." (Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy.)  But did you know that Polish is loaded with even more insightful (and often humorous) proverbs you may never have heard before?  Polish proverbs and sayings are a big part of the Polish culture. Like anywhere else in the world, such expressions are an important part of the spoken and written language.  In this article, you’ll learn thirty must-know Polish proverbs along with their English translations and their English equivalents (if one exists). Study them carefully, because they can significantly improve your understanding of everyday Polish. Table of Contents Warnings Animals ... Show more

The Best English Words in the Polish Language

English did not become a popular language in Poland until somewhat recently, due to the country’s political situation until the late 80s. Since then, English has been slowly winning the hearts of Poles. The term we use to describe English words used in Polish, whether modified or non-modified, is anglicyzm ("anglicism"). What about Polish words in English, you may wonder? Keep reading to find out. Today, English vocabulary is ever-present in the Polish language. English terms and expressions are used particularly often in the Polish corporate world. Learning these words is an easy hack to quickly expand your Polish vocabulary and help you sound more natural when speaking Polish. Table of Contents English Words Made Polish How... Show more

A Brief Overview of Polish Culture

There are many components that go into learning a language. Knowing the culture surrounding that language is one of them!  This brief Polish culture overview will provide you with all the information you need to get a head start, from traditional values to the country’s art and cuisine. These interesting Polish culture facts will help you better understand the country and its people, thus helping you acquire the Polish language more quickly. Let’s get started. Table of Contents Values and Beliefs Religion in Poland Family and Work Polish Art Polish Food Traditional Holidays Final Thoughts 1. Values and Beliefs Many people in Poland adhere to traditional values and family is very... Show more

The Best Polish Foods to Develop Your Palate

Did you know that learning Polish can help you order delicious food?  Polish food (polskie jedzenie) is really diverse and tasty, so you should definitely give it a try next time you’re in Poland. If a trip to this beautiful country isn’t an option right now, you can also visit a Polish restaurant in your area or try out the simple recipes we’ve included at the end of this article.  Discovering the tastiest Polish dishes (polskie potrawy) and experiencing them for yourself will take your language learning to a whole new level! Table of Contents Must-Try Dishes Unique Polish Food Talking About Food in Polish Easy Polish Food Recipes Final Thoughts 1. Must-Try Dishes There are many different Polish dishes,... Show more