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Archive for the 'Polish Holidays' Category

All You Need to Know About the Polish National Anthem

Most countries have an official national song, also known as an anthem, sung or played during important occasions. These songs are usually different from tracks that people listen to for pleasure. The music often is a march or a hymn in style, while the lyrics often refer to feelings of patriotism and national pride.Poland is no different, and the Poles have their own national anthem. From a learner’s point of view, the Polish national anthem is an interesting way of learning more about the country’s history and culture. The story of the anthem itself is interesting as well. Keep reading to find out more! Table of Contents Lyrics History of the Dąbrowski’s Mazurka Polish National Anthem Occasions for Singing the Polish National... Show more

A Brief Overview of Polish Culture

There are many components that go into learning a language. Knowing the culture surrounding that language is one of them!  This brief Polish culture overview will provide you with all the information you need to get a head start, from traditional values to the country’s art and cuisine. These interesting Polish culture facts will help you better understand the country and its people, thus helping you acquire the Polish language more quickly. Let’s get started. Table of Contents Values and Beliefs Religion in Poland Family and Work Polish Art Polish Food Traditional Holidays Final Thoughts 1. Values and Beliefs Many people in Poland adhere to traditional values and family is very... Show more

Ostatki in Poland: Do-Nut Miss These Carnival Festivities!

A couple of years ago, we wrote about the famous Fat Thursday in Poland. But really, Fat Thursday only makes up a fraction of a larger holiday season: Ostatki. In this article, we’ll give you a more detailed look at the end-of-Carnival festivities in Poland, from Fat Thursday to the following Fat Tuesday.  And yes, there are even more donuts involved. ;) 1. What is Ostatki? The Polish celebration of Ostatki takes place during the final few days leading up to Środa Popielcowa (Ash Wednesday), which is the beginning of Lent. Because Lent is a forty-day post (fast) for practicing Catholics, the days of Ostatki are taken advantage of as a time to overeat, indulge, and just bawić się (have fun). That said, there is no... Show more

Celebrating International Children’s Day in Poland

Do you remember being a kid? The world was bigger, our imaginations seemed to cover more ground, and weekends, summer vacation, and holidays were the best thing ever! In Poland, International Children’s Day doesn’t mean a day away from school, but it is a day of fun and enjoyment for children across the country! In this article, you’ll learn about Polish Children’s Day celebrations, the holiday’s history, and some useful vocabulary. Let’s get started. 1. What is International Children’s Day? This holiday has roots in the United States, having started when a Massachusetts pastor gave a special sermon for and about children in 1857. However, International Children’s Day officially began in 1925 when the World Conference on... Show more

Święto Pracy: Celebrating Labor Day in Poland

For Labor Day, Poland consistently gets a whopping three-day weekend to relax, celebrate, and protest for more workers’ rights. But this holiday doesn’t resonate well with everyone! In this article, you’ll learn about Labor Day traditions and history in Poland, and pick up some useful vocabulary words along the way. Let’s get started. 1. What is Labor Day? International Labor Day is a public holiday in Poland, and is also part of the Majówka (May holidays). Because May 3 is another major holiday in the country, many people take not one day off, but at least three. In Poland, Labor Day is a day for workers to odpoczywać ("rest" ) from their normal day-to-day duties. Some people take advantage of this day to... Show more

How to Celebrate Nicolaus Copernicus’ Birthday in Poland

Nicolaus Copernicus. You’ve probably heard that name before in school. But do you remember who he was exactly, and what he did? What world-changing ideas was Nicolaus Copernicus famous for? In this article, you’ll learn about Nicolaus Copernicus’ greatest achievements, more interesting facts about him, and how Poland commemorates Nicolaus Copernicus’ birthday. Are you ready? Let’s get started. 1. Who was Nicolaus Copernicus? Poles celebrate the astronomer Mikołaj Kopernik ( "Nicolaus Copernicus" ) each year on his birthday. Copernicus is most well-known for his heliocentryzm ( "heliocentrism" ) theory, which revolutionized astronomy. This is the theory that the sun is at the center of our galaxy, and that the planets... Show more

Święto Trzech Króli: Celebrating Epiphany in Poland

The Feast of the Epiphany in Poland is an essential Christian holiday with a variety of fun traditions! In this article, you’ll learn about how Poles celebrate Epiphany as well as the story behind the holiday. At PolishPod101.com, it’s our goal to ensure that every aspect of your language-learning journey is both fun and informative—starting with this article! Are you ready? Let’s dive in. 1. What is Epiphany Day in Poland? Epiphany, or Three Kings’ Day, is called Święto Trzech Króli in Polish. This is a Christian feast that takes place in numerous countries around the world. In Poland, it’s a national public holiday, meaning that most businesses, workplaces, and schools are closed. Epiphany Day in Poland is usually... Show more

Barborka: Miner’s Day & Saint Barbara’s Day in Poland

On Saint Barbara’s Day, Poles celebrate faithfulness, feminine beauty, and miners. In fact, this holiday is also referred to as Miners’ Day! In this article, you’ll learn a little bit about Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners. You’ll also delve into the most popular Polish traditions for this holiday and learn some relevant Polish vocabulary. At PolishPod101.com, we hope to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative. Let’s get started! 1. What is Saint Barbara’s Day? Saint Barbara’s Day (Barborka/Miner’s Day) is both the feast day of St. Barbara and the name day for girls with this common name. Considering Barbara’s role as the patron saint of miners, Poles also celebrate this... Show more

Polish National Independence Day: Traditions & History

There's no need to convince anyone that Poland has had a colorful history. For more than a thousand years, from its legendary beginnings to the most recent events, the fate of our country has been very diverse. There were times when Poland, united in a union with Lithuania, was a power that other countries had to reckon with. But, let's be honest, that was a very long time ago. Newer history has been much less gracious to Poland, and as a result, the country ceased to exist for over 120 years! In this article, you’ll learn some Polish Independence Day history, and how Poles today celebrate! At PolishPod101.com, we aim to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Polish Independence... Show more

Warsaw Uprising Day: Remembering the Warsaw Uprising

The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 is known to be one of the largest, most ambitious attempts at conquering the Germans during WWII, and each year Poles remember those who lost their lives as well as the overall bravery of those involved. This is one of the most significant remembrance days in Poland, and one that you’ll do well to learn about as you seek to master the Polish language and understand its culture. At PolishPod101.com, we hope to make this learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Warsaw Uprising Day? On Warsaw Uprising Day, Poland remembers the Warsaw Uprising and those who lost their lives as part of the resistance against the Germans who occupied Warsaw. But what was the Warsaw Uprising, exactly? ... Show more