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Ostatki in Poland: Do-Nut Miss These Carnival Festivities!

A couple of years ago, we wrote about the famous Fat Thursday in Poland. But really, Fat Thursday only makes up a fraction of a larger holiday season: Ostatki. In this article, we’ll give you a more detailed look at the end-of-Carnival festivities in Poland, from Fat Thursday to the following Fat Tuesday.  And yes, there are even more donuts involved. ;) 1. What is Ostatki? The Polish celebration of Ostatki takes place during the final few days leading up to Środa Popielcowa (Ash Wednesday), which is the beginning of Lent. Because Lent is a forty-day post (fast) for practicing Catholics, the days of Ostatki are taken advantage of as a time to overeat, indulge, and just bawić się (have fun). That said, there is no... Show more

Premium PLUS: The Golden Ticket for Language-Learning

Do you remember the moment you fell in love with languages? Do you desire to learn or advance in Polish quickly and effectively? Then you need a Polish tutor. A common question that first-time language-learners ask is "Where do I begin?" The answer? Guidance. For native English-speakers who want to learn Asian languages, for example, timelines provided by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute can appear discouraging. However, defeating these odds is not unheard of. If you want to beat the odds yourself, one of the best learning options is a subscription to Premium PLUS from Innovative Language. As an active Premium PLUS member of JapanesePod101.com and KoreanClass101.com myself, I have an enjoyable experience learning at an accelerated... Show more

Polish National Independence Day: Traditions & History

There's no need to convince anyone that Poland has had a colorful history. For more than a thousand years, from its legendary beginnings to the most recent events, the fate of our country has been very diverse. There were times when Poland, united in a union with Lithuania, was a power that other countries had to reckon with. But, let's be honest, that was a very long time ago. Newer history has been much less gracious to Poland, and as a result, the country ceased to exist for over 120 years! In this article, you’ll learn some Polish Independence Day history, and how Poles today celebrate! At PolishPod101.com, we aim to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative! 1. What is Polish Independence... Show more

The Most Common Polish Gestures

When learning a foreign language, familiarizing yourself with the key vocabulary and grammar points is important. But there’s more to communication than speaking!  Body language is equally important. In this article, you’ll learn the most popular ways to express yourself nonverbally in Polish society. We’ll introduce you to several Polish gestures and facial expressions you should remember for your upcoming visit or move. Table of Contents Body Postures Hand Gestures Facial Expressions The Air Kiss Final Thoughts 1. Body Postures  In general, body language in Polish culture is similar to that of other European cultures. For instance, Poles and other Europeans express things like agreeing and... Show more

The Top Polish Internet Slang Phrases in 2021

Learning a language is a long process, and achieving mastery requires a variety of resources and patience. While textbooks and other printed resources are a part of the process for many students, learning Polish this way can cause a person to sound overly formal.If you want to speak the language like the locals do, it’s important to be able to use informal words and expressions too. In this article, PolishPod101 will introduce you to Polish internet slang words and phrases. Learning them will allow you to communicate with native speakers in a more relaxed and natural manner. Table of Contents A Few Notes on Polish Internet Slang Polish Internet Slang Phrases of English Origin Abbreviations How to Use Polish Internet Slang... Show more

Untranslatable: Polish Words Lost in Translation

Every language has certain words that are impossible to translate. Such words lack direct equivalents, which sometimes makes it difficult to explain all that they entail. Fortunately, it's usually possible to express the same idea in a different language by using many words.   As a Polish learner, you’ll receive a number of benefits from studying the most common untranslatable Polish words and phrases. Because many of these terms have idiomatic meanings related to Polish culture, learning them will help you sound more like a native speaker and broaden your view of the world. In this article, we’ll introduce you to several Polish words that have no equivalents in English. Let us know which one is your favorite!  ... Show more

Best Polish Movies for Language Learning

Watching Polish movies is a great way to supplement your language studies. This entertaining activity allows you to improve your listening skills, work on your vocabulary, and learn more about Polish culture. That said, not every movie will help you in the same way.  In this blog post, we’ll enumerate ten Polish movies worth watching as a learner of the language. These are films that will both expose you to rich vocabulary and introduce you to the culture and society of Poland. Are you ready to learn Polish in a fun and relaxing way? Without further ado, here’s our Polish movies list for you! Table of Contents Sexmission A Short Movie About Love The Killer Gods The Last Family The Wedding The Hater ... Show more

Company for the Evening: Learn Polish with Great Polish TV

You’ve probably heard that watching movies and TV shows is a great way to learn Polish. It’s true! You can watch a lot of Polish TV online, and particularly in countries with a large Polish community, it’s easy to find movies and series in this language. Polish TV in the USA isn’t too difficult to find, as confirmed by people looking for Polish TV on Roku and other similar services. Are you wondering which Polish TV company produces the best programs and series for your purposes? It’s best not to limit yourself to such terms. You should rather have a look at our list of suggestions of the best Polish TV shows created by many different people and production companies. Table of Contents 07 Zgłoś się Dancing with the... Show more

How to Find Jobs in Poland

Poland has grown into an attractive market, which is why many people want to get jobs in Poland. Some of them have additional reasons for wanting to work here, such as their heritage, family ties, or positive feelings towards the country.Of course, finding jobs here is much easier for people who speak Polish. Fortunately, it’s possible to find work without Polish language skills in some professions. Education jobs in Poland for language teachers are a great example.With our tips, you should be able to find the right place to look for job vacancies in Poland that align with your skills. We’ll also give you some useful information on the Polish job market for foreigners. Table of Contents Where in Poland Should You Look for Work? ... Show more

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface

Your Learning, Streamlined – The New Lesson Interface Your learning is about to get a whole lot easier. More than ever, learners are choosing mobile as the platform to study Polish. Mobile has always been a part of our DNA. We began our life on your iPod, and have remained by your side ever since. In our 11th year, we’re returning to our roots as a way to learn Polish on-the-go. How? With a brand-new lesson interface just for you. Hint: It will launch in beta later this month! If you want to secure access to this brand new upgrade, take advantage of the upcoming All Access Pass Sale! Click Here to Get 25% OFF All PolishPod101 Subscriptions! (example taken from japanesepod101.com) It’s built from the ground-up to be a... Show more