December 6, 2012
Share Your Secrets to Polish Success
Hi everyone, Peter Galante, founder of Innovative Language Learning here. With 2012 winding down, it’s time to check in and see just how far your Polish has progressed with PolishPod101! Around this time of year, our inboxes start filling up with success stories from users all around the world. (You can share your story here.) This year, I'd like to share my 2012 Chinese language success story with you. On January 1st, 2012 I made a resolution to learn Chinese. What was different from past years?
I wrote out the resolution and left it on my desk, where I looked at it each day;
I listened to ChineseClass101 lessons or vocabulary lists each day during commutes on my mobile phone;
I used my ChineseClass101 lessons as study material... Show more
November 19, 2012
Thank Yourself This Thanksgiving & Learn 27 Ways To Say Thank You
Hi Listener,
It’s about to get really busy. The holidays are coming up which means...
Gifts for moms, gifts for dads, gifts for friends. Everyone but yourself.
And your Polish?
If you’re not careful, your Polish language will take a backseat. So this Thanksgiving, you come first. Thank yourself with something that gets you speaking better Polish in minutes.
We owe you a thank you too!
Thank you for learning Polish with PolishPod101 and for being part of the Innovative Language family. To show our gratitude, get a head start on 27 languages in under 2 minutes by learning one of the most important phrases, “Thank You.”
Learn how to say “Thank You” in 27 languages with this free video lesson!
Click Here For Your... Show more
November 5, 2012
PolishPod101 Goes Mobile! Master Polish with One Thumb, No Squinting Necessary
Let’s play a game of Would You Rather?
Would you rather have this...
Over 300 Polish learning CDs (yeah, CDs...remember those?) piled to the ceiling in your bedroom next to stacks upon stacks of expensive, outdated textbooks that teach you dry, humorless Polish conversation.
...or this?
The same amount of content, shrunken down to fit onto your smartphone or tablet. And all those lessons? They’ve been updated to teach you vocabulary, grammar and culture so that learning Polish is actually fun!
The answer is clear. You’d rather have the PolishPod101 Mobile!
The biggest Polish course. All on your tiny mobile device.
Introducing PolishPod101 Mobile Beta!
Take all of your favorite Polish lessons and lesson notes on the... Show more
October 11, 2012
Love our Podcasts? iPhone Tips on How to Listen on the Go!
Another Fall has come and gone and just like that, another iPhone model has hit the market, along with iOS updates for all. If you’ve updated your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to iOS 6 already and tried looking for your favorite podcast, you may be scratching your head wondering if we’ve packed our bags and closed up shop.
We haven’t. In fact, we continue to release new lessons every single week in over 25 languages!
Here are some tips on where to find us and listen on-the-go!*
Using the Podcast App
To find these apps using iOS 6, you’ll need to download Apple’s Podcast app. (Here’s a quick link to the free download.) Once you have the Podcast app installed, you’ll be able to find us under Education or... Show more
October 10, 2012
You’ll never master Polish…
Dear Reader,
“You’ll Never Master a Language!”
That’s what my foreign language teacher, Mr. Barry, told me many years ago. “I’m sorry, you just don’t have an aptitude for languages” is what he added.
Well, he was wrong, and I knew it.
I went on to master Japanese, a much harder language than the one Mr. Barry taught, obtaining a master's degree from a top Japanese university and founding a Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo.
My name is Peter Galante, founder of Innovative Language Learning, and I’m here to tell you the story of how I proved them wrong.
So how did I go from language class failure, to founder of a language learning company with over 200 million language lessons delivered?
The secret lies in my... Show more
October 2, 2012
Learn Polish with the NEW Premium PLUS Membership!
Hello Listener,
Just one thing is missing from making your Polish perfect.
A native Polish speaker.
Someone who can correct your mistakes. Someone who understands your strengths and weaknesses and tells you what to study next. Someone to practice with.
Ready to improve your Polish?
The NEW Premium PLUS subscription at, like Premium, gives you unlimited access to the entire PolishPod101 website. You’re getting:
• 220+ Audio and Video lessons and the lesson notes with every lesson,
• Premium Tools such as 2000 Core word list, Spaced Repetition Flashcards, Line by Line pronunciation, Voice Recorder, and more.
But here’s how you reach Polish perfection:
Premium PLUS gives you access to your own... Show more
September 21, 2012
New Dashboard Upgrade: Customize Your Polish Learning!
Hello Listener,
Last July, the PolishPod101 Dashboard made its first appearance. It provides a great place to start if you’re completely new to PolishPod101 and don’t know where which level is right for you.
In short, the Dashboard allows you to:
Start at a lesson appropriate for your level
Track your Polish learning progress with every lesson completed
Jump to the next lesson from the Dashboard by pressing “Study Now”
And the feedback? It was incredibly positive and filled with great suggestions. Thank you for reaching out to us! We listened and this past month, applied the suggestions to your Dashboard.
Your New Dashboard V1.1: Take control of your Polish learning!
What’s New?
Want to study on your own terms?... Show more
September 18, 2012
Can you speak better Polish in one day?
Hello Listener,
What’s one day of Polish learning?
Simple phrases? Takes 5 minutes. 30 new vocabulary words? At least 30 minutes. New grammar and creating your own sentences? Let’s say an hour.
And we’re still just 2 hours and 35 minutes into the day.
You won’t master Polish in one day but you’ll make big progress. One day is enough to start learning, start speaking, and improve your Polish.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but streets and city blocks here.
So, if you tune into the fun, fast and easy lessons, you start speaking minutes into the lesson. Just one lesson. Imagine how much more you’ll learn in one day?
It only takes one day to speak better Polish.
Start today and save 27% on all Basic and Premium... Show more
September 12, 2012
Free Feature Alert! Free Polish Lessons? Yes Please!
Love the fast, fun and easy lessons at PolishPod101?
Love free stuff? (who doesn’t!)
Then you’ll love this!
Just in case you didn’t know...there are free Polish lessons at PolishPod101. They don’t stop. They’re published weekly. They’re yours. And that’s just the tip of the Free Feature iceberg when you get a Free Lifetime Account!
Here’s what you get...
Every New Lesson From The Past 3 Weeks
You’re not getting just one little lesson. We publish several lessons weekly so you have 3 weeks worth of audio and video lessons to learn with. You can find them by clicking on the “Newest Lessons” tab in the top menu at PolishPod101
Click Here To Access The Newest Polish Lessons!
First 3 Lessons Of Every Season And Series
New... Show more
August 22, 2012
Don’t Need To Go Back To School To Learn Polish
Hello Listener,
No textbooks. No deadlines. And you’ll never oversleep.
You don’t have to go back to school to learn Polish the way it’s spoken in real life.
You need to learn from real-life conversations, not textbook examples. And you learn it from our Polish lesson hosts who break down the necessary words and grammar so you start speaking immediately. No dry textbook conversations here!
Start your Polish semester at PolishPod101!
Until August 31st, save 20% on all Premium Subscriptions and get unlimited access to all lessons, all PDF Lesson Notes, and Premium Tools.
Click Here To Save 20% On Premium Subscriptions!
From beginner to advanced video and audio lessons, our Polish lesson hosts break down the basics the... Show more