
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina: Hello everyone and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner, season 1, lesson 3, Have You Lost Something in Poland? I’m Gina.
Joanna: And I’m Joanna.
Gina: In this lesson you'll learn how to say thanks.
Joanna: This conversation takes place in the street.
Gina: It’s between Alex and a pedestrian.
Joanna: The speakers are strangers, so they’ll be using formal Polish.
Gina: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Alex: Przepraszam panią.
Passerby: Tak?
Alex: Upuściła pani rękawiczki.
Passerby: Naprawdę?
Alex: Tak. Proszę.
Passerby: Dziękuję bardzo.
Gina: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Alex: Przepraszam panią.
Passerby: Tak?
Alex: Upuściła pani rękawiczki.
Passerby: Naprawdę?
Alex: Tak. Proszę.
Passerby: Dziękuję bardzo.
Gina: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Alex: Przepraszam panią.
Alex: Excuse me, ma'am.
Passerby: Tak?
Passerby: Yes?
Alex: Upuściła pani rękawiczki.
Alex: You dropped your gloves.
Passerby: Naprawdę?
Passerby: Really?
Alex: Tak. Proszę.
Alex: Yes. Here you are.
Passerby: Dziękuję bardzo.
Passerby: Thank you very much.
Gina: Okay Joanna, let’s talk about courtesy towards strangers in Poland.
Joanna: Okay. What would you like to know?
Gina: Are there any special words or phrases that Poles use when they’re talking to a person they don’t know?
Joanna: Not really. The only ones are those used when addressing the person. They’re exactly the same as in English, for example, Mr. and Ms
Gina: What are those Polish?
Joanna: Mr is ‘pan’, Ms. is ‘pani’. Or if there are many people, you would say ‘państwo’ when you’re addressing all of them.
Gina: And is ladies first a common custom in Poland?
Joanna: Yes. Even if a man and a woman are strangers, the man would let the woman go through the door first, or hold it for her.
Gina: That’s a nice thing to do!
Joanna: Definitely! There is more information about courtesy to strangers in Poland in the lesson notes, so be sure to check them out.
Gina: Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Gina: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is...
Joanna: przepraszać [natural native speed]
Gina: to excuse, to apologize
Joanna: przepraszać [slowly - broken down by syllable] przepraszać [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: tak [natural native speed]
Gina: yes
Joanna: tak [slowly - broken down by syllable] tak [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: pani [natural native speed]
Gina: ma'am, ms. mrs
Joanna: pani [slowly - broken down by syllable] pani [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: rękawiczka [natural native speed]
Gina: glove
Joanna: rękawiczka [slowly - broken down by syllable] rękawiczka [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: naprawdę [natural native speed]
Gina: really
Joanna: naprawdę [slowly - broken down by syllable] naprawdę [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: dziękować [natural native speed]
Gina: to thank
Joanna: dziękować [slowly - broken down by syllable] dziękować [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: proszę [natural native speed]
Gina: here you are
Joanna: proszę [slowly - broken down by syllable] proszę [natural native speed]
Gina: And last,
Joanna: bardzo [natural native speed]
Gina: very (much)
Joanna: bardzo [slowly - broken down by syllable] bardzo [natural native speed]
Gina: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Joanna, what’s our first word?
Joanna: ‘rękawiczka’
Gina: “a glove”
Joanna: The word I gave you a moment ago is a noun in its singular form, but it’s most commonly used in its plural form, which is ‘rękawiczki’
Gina: “gloves”
Joanna: There are quite a few phrases and sayings that use this noun.
Gina: Ok, what are some examples?
Joanna: Well first of all there are a few kinds of gloves, right? So in Polish there are, for example - ‘skórzane rękawiczki’
Gina: “leather gloves”
Joanna: ‘męskie rękawiczki’
Gina: “men’s gloves”
Joanna: ‘damskie rękawiczki’
Gina: “women’s gloves”
Joanna: There’s also this very interesting saying - ‘załatwić coś w białych rękawiczkach’
Gina: which literally means “to do something in white gloves”
Joanna: It means to do something tactfully, quietly or without getting unnecessary attention.
Gina: That’s an interesting saying! What’s our next word?
Joanna: ‘proszę’
Gina: There are many different situations in which we can use that word
Joanna: Yes, it can be used like the English “please”, or when you hand something to someone, just like the English “here you are”
Gina: In the dialogue, when Alex gave the glove to the lady, he said...
Joanna: ‘proszę’.
Gina: All right, what’s the last word?
Joanna: ‘naprawdę’
Gina: “really”
Joanna: In the dialogue it was used as a question. Here, the intonation is very important, because we have to express our surprise - ‘naprawdę’
Gina: Can it be used in affirmative sentences too?
Joanna: Yes, especially when you want to emphasize a feeling.
Gina: Like to mean “very very much”?
Joanna: Yes, for example - ‘naprawdę lubię lody owocowe!’
Gina: “I really like fruit ice cream!”
Joanna: For more information and interesting examples of sentences and phrases with the words we discussed here, please check the lesson notes
Gina: Okay, now onto the grammar.
Gina: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express thanks in Polish.
Joanna: Manners are important wherever you go, so pay attention, listeners!
Gina: How do we say “thank you” in Polish?
Joanna: ‘dziękuję’
Gina: Is this the formal or informal way?
Joanna: There’s no difference - it can be used in both situations
Gina: I think in the dialogue the lady who dropped the glove said something more complex though.
Joanna: That’s right! You’ve got a good memory! The lady said ‘dziękuję bardzo’
Gina: Meaning “thank you very much”
Joanna: Listeners, feel free to add ‘bardzo’ if you think it’s more appropriate
Gina: Now what if you want to be a little bit more specific, and say something like “thank you for help”
Joanna: Then in Polish it would go like this - ‘dziękuję za pomoc’
Gina: Let’s go through these phrases once more. Listeners, please repeat after Joanna.
Joanna: ‘dziękuję’ [pause]
Gina: (pause) “thank you”
Joanna: ‘dziękuję bardzo’ [pause]
Gina: (pause) “thank you very much”
Joanna: ‘dziękuję za pomoc’ [pause]
Gina: (pause) “thank you for help”
Joanna: Great job, everyone!
Gina: Are there any ways of expressing thanks when you’re in an informal situation?
Joanna: Sure, you can use ‘dzięki’
Gina: meaning “thanks”
Joanna: But you should be careful about using ‘dzięki’
Gina: Why?
Joanna: Because sometimes it’s simply not enough to say only ‘dzięki’, so you should choose the correct form wisely. We usually use ‘dzięki’ when someone helped us with something small, or not very important. And most importantly, try to avoid saying ‘dzięki’ to older people or strangers.
Gina: Listeners, did you hear that? That’s some important advice!
Joanna: There are also a few ways of responding to thanks.
Gina: For example?
Joanna: One of the most common responses is - ‘proszę bardzo’ or simply ‘proszę’
Gina: It can be translated as the English “here you are”
Joanna: yes and the most basic meaning of the word ‘proszę’ is “please”, but we also use it as a response to someone’s thanks
Gina: what about “you’re welcome”?
Joanna: In Polish it is - ‘nie ma za co’
Gina: What’s the literal meaning?
Joanna: it means something like “there’s nothing to thank for”
Gina: In the lesson notes, you will find more popular responses to someone thanking you.
Joanna: So please check them out.


Gina: Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Thank you for listening everyone, and we’ll see you next time.
Joanna: Papa.

