
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina: Hello everyone and welcome to PolishPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner, season 1, lesson 6, An Unidentified Polish Object. I’m Gina.
Joanna: And I’m Joanna.
Gina: In this lesson, you'll learn how to ask and talk about objects.
Joanna: This conversation takes place at home.
Gina: It’s between Gosia and Alex.
Joanna: The speakers are around the same age, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Gina: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Alex: Co to jest?
Gosia: To jest mój odtwarzacz mp3.
Alex: A ta niebieska kartka?
Gosia: To bilet na koncert.
Alex: Koncert?
Gosia: Tak, Vadera.
Gina: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Alex: Co to jest?
Gosia: To jest mój odtwarzacz mp3.
Alex: A ta niebieska kartka?
Gosia: To bilet na koncert.
Alex: Koncert?
Gosia: Tak, Vadera.
Gina: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Alex: Co to jest?
Alex: What is this?
Gosia: To jest mój odtwarzacz mp3.
Gosia: This is my mp3 player.
Alex: A ta niebieska kartka?
Alex: And this blue sheet?
Gosia: To bilet na koncert.
Gosia: It's a concert ticket.
Alex: Koncert?
Alex: Concert?
Gosia: Tak, Vadera.
Gosia: Yes, Vader's.
Gina: Let’s talk a little about Polish music this time!
Joanna: What a great topic!
Gina: Are there any bands or singers who are famous outside of Poland?
Joanna: Not really, most of them have never performed nor released anything abroad, except for in one genre.
Gina: ...which is?
Joanna: Metal. Bands like Vader, Behemoth and Decapitated are very well known to most metal fans in the world.
Gina: How about pop music?
Joanna: The most popular now are Feel, Bracia, Ich Troje, Ewa Farna, and many more. Also music containing some folk elements has quite a few fans in Poland. So if you’re interested in that, be sure to check bands like Zakopower or Enej.
Gina: Are there any bands that have been around for a while?
Joanna: Of course. The ones who have had a really great influence on the Polish music industry are definitely Budka Suflera, Lady Pank, Perfect.. and so on.
Gina: We don’t have time to talk about all the Polish bands around, but if you want to know more, check the lesson notes. Now let’s move on to the vocab.
Gina: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is...
Joanna: co [natural native speed]
Gina: what
Joanna: co [slowly - broken down by syllable] co [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: to [natural native speed]
Gina: this
Joanna: to [slowly - broken down by syllable] to [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: mój [natural native speed]
Gina: my, mine
Joanna: mój [slowly - broken down by syllable] mój [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: odtwarzacz [natural native speed]
Gina: player
Joanna: odtwarzacz [slowly - broken down by syllable] odtwarzacz [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: niebieski [natural native speed]
Gina: blue
Joanna: niebieski [slowly - broken down by syllable] niebieski [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: kartka [natural native speed]
Gina: card
Joanna: kartka [slowly - broken down by syllable] kartka [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Joanna: koncert [natural native speed]
Gina: concert
Joanna: koncert [slowly - broken down by syllable] koncert [natural native speed]
Gina: And last,
Joanna: bilet [natural native speed]
Gina: ticket
Joanna: bilet [slowly - broken down by syllable] bilet [natural native speed]
Gina: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Joanna, what’s the first word?
Joanna: ‘odtwarzacz’
Gina: “music player”
Joanna: It’s a masculine noun, and it derives from the verb ‘odtwarzać’
Gina: meaning “to play” if you’re talking about playing a CD or DVD
Joanna: Now let’s take a look at some useful phrases with the noun ‘odtwarzacz’
Gina: Ok, how do we say “CD player” in Polish?
Joanna: ‘odtwarzacz CD’
Gina: How about “MP3 player”?
Joanna: ‘odtwarzacz MP3’
Gina: And “DVD player”?
Joanna: ‘odtwarzacz DVD’
Gina: So as you can see, it’s a word that’s very easy to use. What’s the next word?
Joanna: ‘koncert’
Gina: “concert”
Joanna: As you can see both the English and Polish versions are very similar. The only difference is the spelling. In Polish, instead of the letter “c” at the beginning, we use “k”, since that’s the one that represents the correct sound.
Gina: What’s the gender of this noun?
Joanna: It’s masculine.
Gina: Let’s keep that in mind and look at some phrases with the word
Joanna: Let’s start with ‘koncert rockowy’
Gina: “rock concert”
Joanna: next ‘koncert symfoniczny’
Gina: “symphony concert”
Joanna: and lastly ‘trasa koncertowa’
Gina: “live tour”
Joanna: There’s also this very interesting phrase - ‘koncert życzeń’ which literally means “concert of wishes”
Gina: What does that mean?
Joanna: It’s a type of TV show in Poland. To learn more, check the lesson notes.
Gina: Okay, now let’s move onto the grammar.
Gina: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask about objects.
Joanna: Asking the question is very easy, and you could hear that question in the dialogue. Alex said - co to jest?
Gina: literally meaning “what is this?”
Joanna: We start the question with the pronoun ‘co’
Gina: which means “what” in English
Joanna: then we have ‘to’
Gina: meaning “this”
Joanna: and lastly “jest”, which is the verb ‘być’ in its third person singular form
Gina: And it means “is”
Joanna: Everyone try to say it together with me - ‘co to jest?’
Gina: (pause) “what is this?”
Joanna: Please make sure that you remember the conjugation of the Polish verb ‘być’
Gina: If you don’t, you should go back to lesson 4, where we introduced that verb.
Joanna: Now that we know how to ask the question, let’s learn how to answer. In the dialogue, Gosia told Alex - ‘to jest mój odtwarzacz mp3’. You can use this sentence pattern to answer. First start with ‘to jest’
Gina: meaning “this is”
Joanna: then we had ‘mój’
Gina: meaning “my”
Joanna: and at the very end the name of the object, here ‘odtwarzacz mp3’
Gina: “MP3 player”
Joanna: The sentence pattern is exactly the same as in English, so you shouldn’t have problems making sentences like this.
Gina: Finally, something easy!
Joanna: [laughter] Listeners, just stick with us and it will get easier!
Gina: But before that, let’s practice a bit.
Joanna: Ask the question - co to jest?
Gina: And try to answer..
Joanna: With ‘to jest...’ Let’s try with the noun ‘prezent’
Gina: meaning “present”
Joanna: ‘Co to jest?’ [pause]
Joanna: ‘To jest prezent’ [pause]
Gina: Let’s try one more. This time, listeners, it’s your turn!
Joanna: now, we’ll use the noun ‘kawa’
Gina: meaning “coffee”
Joanna: Repeat the question after me and try to answer! ‘Co to jest?’ (pause) ‘To jest kawa’
Gina: Great job, everyone!


Gina: That’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
Joanna: Papa.

