Vocabulary (Review)

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Hello, everyone and welcome to Polish Top Words. So today, we will learn Top 25 Polish Verbs.
1. Być. “to be”
Być actually means “to be”
So yeah, here, we can say, like,
Być albo nie być, which just means, "To be or not to be".
And of course, in Polish, all those verbs would be changing. It depends on the person.
So for example, if I want to say, I am happy, I would just say - jestem szczęśliwa.
2. Lubić. “to like”
Lubić means just to like something.
So whenever you are asking somebody what do you like or you want to say, I like this, you would use this verb. Of course, change it depending on the person.
For example, you can say - Lubisz lody? “do you like ice cream?”
3. Robić “to do”
Robić means “to do”
So you can say,
“What are you doing today?” Co dzisiaj robisz?
4. Mówić “to say”
So when you translate it to English, it just means, “to say”
You can get angry at somebody, nie mów takich rzeczy! Which means, “don’t say such things.”
5. Wyjaśniać “to explain”
Wyjaśniać means “to explain”
When you are angry at somebody or you don’t understand something or you want to ask for help and you want to say, “can you explain this?” You can use this one and you can say - Możesz to wyjaśnić? “Can you explain this?”
And depends on your tone, it can be asking for a favor - Możesz to wyjaśnić? Or it can be getting really angry at somebody and then just willing them to, you know, explain why they did it and say - Możesz to wyjaśnić?
6. Słyszeć “to hear”
Słyszeć means “to hear” in English.
And for example, you can say,
Słyszałam, że tu mają dobre pierogi. “I’ve heard that they have good dumplings here.”
So if you are a girl, you would say, Słyszałam, “I’ve heard.”
If you are a guy, you would say Słyszałem.
So Słyszałam, Słyszałem.
It will change a little bit depending on the gender. We can basically take this sentence and put something different at the end and use it as a kind of set phrase. Słyszałam, Słyszałem.
7. Iść “to go”
Iść means “to go”
So when you want to ask your friend, “where are you going?” You can say, Gdzie idziesz?
8. Wiedzieć “to know”
Wiedzieć is translated to English as “to know” and it is a little bit tricky verb because people often confuse it with another verb, znać, and both actually are translated as “to know” into English.
So for example, you can say,
Nic nie wiem. “I do not know anything.”
9. Widzieć “to see”
Widzieć means “to see”
So if you saw, like, something very weird on the sky like something that looks like a plane and it’s not, and then you are not sure if you are actually seeing it or not, you can ask your friend if he or she is seeing it too saying,
Widzisz to? “you see this?”
10. przyjść. “to come”
For example, you are at the party and you want to know who is coming. So you ask your friend who is the organizer.
Kto przyjdzie na przyjęcie? “Who is coming to the party?”
11. myśleć “to think”
This one is pretty important since it means, “to think.” When you go shopping with your best friend and you are trying on different clothes and then you know, you see her in a very, very nice dress, you can say,
Myślę, że ci to pasuje. “I think it suits you.”
12. Patrzeć “To look”
So for example, you can say when you saw something weird and you want to show it to your friend or something interesting,
Popatrz tam. “Look there.”
13. Chcieć “to want”
If you have everything you ever wanted and you don’t want anything anymore, you can say,
Niczego więcej nie chce. Which will literally mean, “I do not want anything more.”
14. Dać “to give”
So when you go out and you meet this nice guy or cute girl and you want to ask them for their email address, you would ask them using dać, Dasz mi swój e-mail? “Will you give me your email address?”
15. używać “to use”
When you see this thing that if the verb use before and you want to say, okay, can you help me because I’ve never used it, you can say,
Nigdy tego nie używałam. It means, “I’ve never used it before.” Or Nigdy tego nie używałam
If you are a guy, you would say, używałem
If you are a girl, you would say, używałam
16. znaleźć “to find”
Imagine your friend brought you a nice dress which you are going to wear at a party but you don’t really like it, it doesn’t suit you well and you want to ask her to find you something better, so you can say,
Może uda się znaleźć coś lepszego? Which means, “Maybe we can find something better?”
17. wychodzić “to go out”
It’s actually a verb that consists of two parts which are written together. So wy means, like, “outside” and chodzić means, like, “to walk.”
So wychodzić means to walk outside which is, just go out.
For example, let’s imagine you live with your friend and she is going out somewhere and you want to ask her, “what time are you going out”, you can say, O której wychodzisz?
18. zapytać “to ask”
Sometimes when you want to ask for something which is very difficult to ask for, and you know just to be nice, you want to say, like,
“Can I ask you something?” In Polish, you can say - Czy mogę cię o coś zapytać?
Or you can even ask, “excuse me, can I ask you something?”
Przepraszam, czy mogę cię o coś zapytać?
19. Pracować “to work”
Pracować is an interesting word. It actually means “to work.” So you can use it when you want to say,
“I have never worked in such a company.” Nigdy nie pracowałam w takiej firmie.
Or if you are a guy, you would say - Nigdy nie pracowałem w takiej firmie.
20. Wejść “to enter”
Wejść means “to enter” or “to come in”
Well, when your friends visit you and you want to just say, please come in please or just you know, you can say, Wejdź proszę. Which means literally, “come in please.”
21. Czuć “to feel”
This one can be pretty useful. If you want to say that you don’t feel well today and you want to skip work or skip your classes or just cancel some appointment, you can say,
Źle się dzisiaj czuję. Which means, “I’m feeling bad today.”
22. Próbować “to try”
Let’s say your friend is visiting and you made this wonderful food, amazing dishes and you want him or her to try it, you can invite them saying - Spróbuj to, which means “try it.”
23. Zostawić “to leave”
Zostawić means “to leave” when you are angry or irritated and you don’t want people to talk to you and just like, just leave me alone please, you can say,
Zostaw mnie w spokoju. Which means, “leave me alone.”
24. Zadzwonić “to call”
So zadzwonić means “to call” and let’s say somebody calls you and you cannot really talk right now, so you want to say, okay, I will call you back later. You just say,
Zadzwonię potem. “I’ll call later.”
25. Biegać “to run”
If you are not one of those sporty people and you don’t really like running, like, running is totally not your thing and you want to say you know, well, friends invite you but you are like, sorry, that’s not really my cup of tea and you want to say, sorry, “I don’t like running”, you can say - Nie lubię biegać. Nie lubię, or just say lubię.
And that’s all for today. Thank you for watching top 25 Polish verbs. Thank you again and see you next time.

