
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey:Hello everyone and welcome to PolishPod101.com. This is Beginner series, season 1, lesson 10, Using Polish Numbers – Eleven to Twenty-Two. I’m Betsey.
Joanna:And I’m Joanna.
Betsey:In this lesson you’ll learn how to use the Polish numbers from 11 to 22.
Joanna:This conversation takes place at the registrar’s office.
Betsey:The conversation is between a clerk and Ewa.
Joanna:They are not friends, so they’ll be using formal Polish.
Betsey:Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

W urzędzie stanu cywilnego Urzędnik:Pani adres?
Ewa:Mój adres to ulica Kopernika 12/15.
Urzędnik:Kod pocztowy?
Urzędnik:Numer telefonu?
Ewa:224 111 319
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
W urzędzie stanu cywilnego Urzędnik:Pani adres?
Ewa:Mój adres to ulica Kopernika 12/15.
Urzędnik:Kod pocztowy?
Urzędnik:Numer telefonu?
Ewa:224 111 319
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
W urzędzie stanu cywilnego Urzędnik:Pani adres?
:Your address, ma'am?
Ewa:Mój adres to ulica Kopernika 12/15.
:My address is Kopernika Street 12/15.
Urzędnik:Kod pocztowy?
:Zip code?
Urzędnik:Numer telefonu?
:Phone number?
Ewa:224 111 319
:224 111 319
Betsey:So what do addresses look like in Poland?
Joanna:They are quite simple. Whenever you get a letter you will see on the front that your name comes first. Sometimes there may be ‘pan’ or ‘pani’ right before the name.
Betsey:They mean “Ms” and “Mr”. Why does this only happen sometimes?
Joanna:Because it’s an old-fashioned way of addressing a letter. Our grandparents might use that. But younger generations don’t really use it, and you won’t see it on official letters either.
Betsey:Okay, so first comes the name, what’s next?
Joanna:Then under the name there should be the name of the street. First you will see an abbreviation like ul. This is the most common.
Betsey:And it means “street”
Joanna:And after the abbreviation ul. comes the name of the street, the number of the building and then the number of the apartment.
Betsey:I guess that next up would be the name of the city.
Joanna:You almost got it right! Under the name of the street comes the zip-code, which consists of 5 digits. The first 2 digits represent the city. And next to the zip code, there should be the name of the city.
Betsey:What if the letter comes from abroad?
Joanna:Then in the next line, under the name of the city, there will be the name of the country. Usually it’s written in capital letters.
Betsey:I have to say, Polish addresses are not very complicated!
Joanna:Yes, just the name, street and the house’s number, zip code and the name of the city. That’s it.
Betsey:Ok, now let’s move on to the vocabulary.
:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
:The first word we shall see is
jedenaście [natural native speed]
:eleven (11)
:jedenaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:jedenaście [natural native speed]
:Next:dwanaście [natural native speed]
:twelve (12)
:dwanaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:dwanaście [natural native speed]
:Next:trzynaście [natural native speed]
:thirteen (13)
:trzynaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:trzynaście [natural native speed]
:Next:czternaście [natural native speed]
:fourteen (14)
:czternaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:czternaście [natural native speed]
:Next:piętnaście [natural native speed]
:fifteen (15)
:piętnaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:piętnaście [natural native speed]
:Next:szesnaście [natural native speed]
:sixteen (16)
:szesnaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:szesnaście [natural native speed]
:Next:siedemnaście [natural native speed]
:seventeen (17)
:siedemnaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:siedemnaście [natural native speed]
:Next:osiemnaście [natural native speed]
:eighteen (18)
:osiemnaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:osiemnaście [natural native speed]
:Next:dziewiętnaście [natural native speed]
:nineteen (19)
:dziewiętnaście [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:dziewiętnaście [natural native speed]
:And Last:dwadzieścia [natural native speed]
:twenty (20)
:dwadzieścia [slowly - broken down by syllable]
:dwadzieścia [natural native speed]
Betsey:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Joanna, what’s the first word?
Joanna:This noun will come in handy in many situations when you’re studying and speaking Polish.
Betsey:Are there any differences in the usage between Polish and English?
Joanna:No, it’s the same. The most common phrases will be, for example, ‘Numer telefonu?’
Betsey:We heard this one on the dialogue, it means “phone number”
Joanna:Also ‘numer siedzenia’
Betsey:“seat number”
Joanna:‘numer siedzenia’ will be useful when you’re traveling. The other common phrase is ‘numer buta’
Betsey:In English - “shoe number” or “shoe size”
Joanna:There’s one expression that uses the noun ‘numer’ but it has nothing to do with numbers or counting.
Betsey:I’m curious. How does the expression sound?
Joanna:‘Ale numer!’
Betsey:it translates into “but number”, which makes no sense!
Joanna:If you translate it, it makes no sense. So let me tell you when to use it and what it means.
Betsey:I’m all ears.
Joanna:Whenever you hear some unexpected news - it can be good or bad - you can express your surprise by saying - ‘ale numer!’
Betsey:Let’s try together... ‘ale number!’
Joanna:Great job!
Betsey:Ok, let’s take a look at the grammar.

Lesson focus

Betsey:In this lesson, we’re going to learn about numbers from eleven to twenty-two in Polish.
Joanna:Shall we review the first ten numbers quickly?
Betsey:Yes, let’s test our listeners to see if they really studied. We will start with the English numbers, then you will have some time to say the correct number in Polish, and after that Joanna will say it, so you can check if you were correct. Here we go... “zero”
Joanna:…............... ‘zero’
Joanna:.................... ‘sześć’
Betsey:Great. I hope you got all the numbers right, because it will be very helpful while learning the numbers from eleven to twenty-two. Let’s not waste any more time and get to it. Please repeat after Joanna. We’re going to start from “eleven”
Betsey:............. “eighteen”
Joanna:‘dwadzieścia jeden’
Joanna:‘dwadzieścia dwa’
Betsey:Finally we know more numbers!
Joanna:Yes, everyone did a great job.
Betsey:Let’s talk about the numbers a little bit. Is there any pattern when creating those?
Joanna:Basically from numbers 11 to 19 you need to add the ending -naście
Betsey:Just like the English “- teen”
Joanna:Exactly. And, as in English, a few numbers need some small changes beyond adding the ending.
Betsey:Let’s go through them.
Joanna:...is made from the number ‘cztery’ and the ending ‘-naście’. please note that we removed the last letter from the word ‘cztery’. Very small change, but important.
Betsey:Okay, what’s the next number that underwent some changes?
Joanna:‘piętnaście’, ‘szesnaście’ and ‘dziewiętnaście’
Betsey:“fifteen”, “sixteen” and “nineteen”
Joanna:Creating bigger numbers is even easier.
Betsey:Great! The easy part is coming, which I’m sure will make all the listeners happy.
Joanna:You just have to take the number ‘dwadzieścia’
Joanna:and add a number from one to nine, depending on which you need.
Betsey:So for example if I want to say “twenty-two” in Polish how would it sound?
Joanna:‘dwadzieścia dwa’
Betsey:I see, no changes here. How about “twenty-seven”?
Joanna:‘dwadzieścia siedem’
Betsey:I can’t deny it, numbers in Polish aren’t very difficult.
Joanna:I hope our listeners agree.
Marketing Piece 10
Betsey: Premium members, get all the lessons or just the lessons you want with My Feed.
Joanna:My Feed is a powerful tool that delivers lessons and materials you want, right to your computer.
Betsey:Choose your level and the lessons you want at PolishPod101.com.
Joanna:A personalized profile is created, and you can download ALL the lessons with a click of the button.
Betsey:This is a great way to customize your language learning experience.
Joanna:So that you can just focus on mastering Polish!
Betsey:Go to PolishPod101.com to setup your customized My Feed today!
Betsey:Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone.
Joanna:Do widzenia.

