
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey:Hello everyone and welcome back to to PolishPod101.com. This is Beginner series, season 1, lesson 22, How Often Do You Go to the Gym in Poland? I’m Betsey.
Joanna:And I’m Joanna.
Betsey:In this lesson you’ll learn how to express frequency.
Joanna:The conversation takes place in the park.
Betsey:It’s between Ewa and Jan.
Joanna:They’re friends, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Betsey:Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

(1 time natural native speed)
Jan:Jak często chodzisz na siłownię?
Ewa:Oj, rzadko. Dlaczego pytasz?
Jan:Bo ja chodzę codziennie, niestety bez rezultatów.
Ewa:Nie przesadzaj. Świetnie wyglądasz.
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jan:Jak często chodzisz na siłownię?
Ewa:Oj, rzadko. Dlaczego pytasz?
Jan:Bo ja chodzę codziennie, niestety bez rezultatów.
Ewa:Nie przesadzaj. Świetnie wyglądasz.
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
(At the gym.)
Betsey(At the gym.)
Jan:Jak często chodzisz na siłownię?
Betsey:How often do you go to the gym?
Ewa:Oj, rzadko. Dlaczego pytasz?
Betsey:Oh, rarely. Why do you ask?
Jan:Bo ja chodzę codziennie, niestety bez rezultatów.
Betsey:Because I go every day, unfortunately without results.
Ewa:Nie przesadzaj. Świetnie wyglądasz.
Betsey:Don't exaggerate. You look great.
Betsey:Can you tell us some more about sport in Poland, Joanna. In general, are Poles fit?
Joanna:It’s sad to admit, but we aren’t. Most Poles don’t exercise on a daily, or even weekly basis.
Betsey:Aren’t Poles aware of how to have healthy lifestyles?
Joanna:They are aware, but instead of being active and having a balanced diet, most people choose supplements and sleeping.
Betsey:That doesn’t sound very active!
Joanna:No, it doesn’t! About 25% of Poles don’t work out at all, but those who do work out, do it around two to three times a week.
Betsey:That sounds much better! What are some motivations for Poles to do exercise?
Joanna:In most cases it’s health problems, or the will to lose weight.
Betsey:Okay, and with that, it’s time to move on to the vocabulary.
Betsey:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
:The first word we shall see is Joanna:jak często [natural native speed]
Betsey:how often
Joanna:jak często [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:jak często [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:siłownia [natural native speed]
Joanna:siłownia [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:siłownia [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:dlaczego [natural native speed]
Joanna:dlaczego [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:dlaczego [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:codziennie [natural native speed]
Betsey:every day
Joanna:codziennie [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:codziennie [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:niestety [natural native speed]
Joanna:niestety [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:niestety [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:bez [natural native speed]
Joanna:bez [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:bez [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:rezultat [natural native speed]
Joanna:rezultat [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:rezultat [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:pytać [natural native speed]
Betsey:to ask
Joanna:pytać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:pytać [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:przesadzać [natural native speed]
Betsey:to exaggerate
Joanna:przesadzać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:przesadzać [natural native speed]
:And last Joanna:wyglądać [natural native speed]
Betsey:to look
Joanna:wyglądać [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:wyglądać [natural native speed]
Betsey:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Joanna:The first word is ‘siłownia’
Betsey:Meaning “gym”
Joanna:The Polish noun ‘siłownia’ means a place where we can exercise using various machines. Exercising on them usually requires some strength and the word ‘siłownia’ is related to that.
Betsey:how do you say “strength” in Polish, then?
Joanna:It’s‘siła’, the word from which the noun ‘siłownia’ derives.
Betsey:Okay, what’s the next word?
Joanna:When Jan was complaining about not being fit, Ewa said - ‘nie przesadzaj’
Betsey:“don’t exaggerate”
Joanna:it’s one of the most common ways of using this word.
Betsey:Are there any others?
Joanna:Yes, there’s one more meaning of this verb.
Betsey:What’s that?
Joanna:“to replant, repot” when you’re talking about replacing the soil in a potted plant
Betsey:Wow! I’d never expect that meaning! Can you give us a sample sentence with this meaning?
Joanna:Sure! for example - ‘dzisiaj przesadzam kwiaty’
Betsey:“Today I’m replanting my flowers”
Joanna:And finally, ‘przesadzać’ can also mean “to overdo”.
Betsey:What a versatile word! Okay, we’ve learned a lot about this new vocabulary, so it’s time to get to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Betsey:In this series we’ve talked a lot about different kinds of leisure activities. In this lesson, you’re going to learn to talk about how often you do things.
Joanna:The best way to ask about frequency in Polish is - ‘jak często’.
Betsey:Which means “how often” in English.
Joanna:In the dialogue, Jan used this question to ask Ewa about her visits to the gym. He said “How often do you go to the gym?”
Joanna:‘Jak często chodzisz na siłownię?’
Betsey:Let’s go through the components of this question.
Joanna:First we had ‘jak często’
Betsey:Which literally means “how often”
Joanna:...then there was the verb ‘chodzisz’, which is the second person form of the verb ‘chodzić’.
Betsey:Meaning “to go”
Joanna:...and lastly ‘na siłownię’...
Betsey:...which means “to the gym”.
Joanna:If you want to ask about a different activity, just change the ending.
Betsey:Give us an example, please!
Joanna:‘Jak często chodzisz do kina?’
Betsey:“How often do you go to the movies?”
Joanna:The most important part of this kind of question is definitely ‘jak często’
Betsey:“how often”
Joanna:Listeners, please repeat after me - ‘jak często’
Betsey:[pause] “how often”
Joanna:So whenever someone asks you this kind of question, it’s best to use some adverbs, to specify the frequency of your activities.
Betsey:Let’s go through possible adverbs, one by one. We’ll start with the English, then Joanna will give you the Polish, and then you can repeat after her.
Betsey:First - “always”
Betsey:[pause] “often”
Betsey:[pause] “everyday”
Betsey:[pause] “usually”
Betsey:[pause] “sometimes”
Betsey:[pause] “rarely”
Betsey:[pause] “never”
Betsey:[pause] In the dialogue, Ewa used the adverb “rarely” to answer Jan’s question.
Betsey:Let’s get a few sample sentences, for example, with “rarely”.
Joanna:‘Rzadko jem rano śniadanie’
Betsey:“I rarely eat breakfast in the morning”
Joanna:Now let’s take the adverb - “sometimes” - ‘czasami’ - ‘Czasami słucham muzyki w samochodzie’
Betsey:“I sometimes listen to music in my car”
Joanna:And lastly let’s try “always” - ‘zawsze’ - ‘Mój brat zawsze narzeka’
Betsey:“My brother always complains”
Joanna:Listeners, why not practice making more sentences like this by yourself?
Betsey:In lesson 20, we introduced two motion verbs - “to go” and “to go by means of transportation”
Joanna:‘iść’ and ‘jechać’
Betsey:In the lesson notes, you’ll find information about two additional motion verbs, which are -
Betsey:“to go”, “to walk”
Joanna:and ‘jeździć’
Betsey:“to go by means of transportation”, “to ride”.
Joanna:Now, you’re probably wondering what the difference is between these, since all of the verbs can be translated in English as “to go”.
Betsey:I was just thinking that!
Joanna:Well, the answer is very easy. If you go somewhere “now” or “today”, then you’ll use the first set of verbs - ‘iść’ and ‘jechać’. And if you go somewhere regularly, as a kind of routine, then you will use the second set of verbs - ‘chodzić’ and ‘jeździć’.
Betsey:So many words to learn!
Joanna:I know, but remember - practice makes perfect!
Betsey:That just about does it for this lesson.Thanks for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time!
Joanna: Do widzenia.


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2013-06-03 18:30:00

Hi everyone,

Jak często chodzisz na siłownię?

2014-10-09 08:25:41

Hi Tatiana

Small typos

Niestety, dzisiaj nie chodzę na siłownię (przepraszam, nie mam polskiej klawiatury).

Actually if you use "dzisiaj" the proper verb should be "idę" -> Dzisiaj nie idę na siłownię (Today I will not go to gym).

If you would like to say that you do not attend a gym in general you should say without dzisiaj. Nie chodzę na siłownię (I do not go (attend) gym ).



Team PolishPod101.com

2014-10-03 01:49:41

Niestety, dzisaj ne chodze na silownie (pszepraszam, nie mam polska klawiature)

2014-05-26 07:24:42

Hej Shaun

Niestety ja też powinienem zacząć trenować :unamused: .

(Unfortunately I should start the practice too)



2014-05-24 00:48:06

Ha ha ha...

Nigdy nie chodzę na siłownię. :sweat_smile:

(I never go to the gym.)

But I really should start soon.
