
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Betsey:Hello everyone and welcome back to PolishPod101.com. This is Beginner series, season 1, lesson 23, A Polish Fashion Crisis. I’m Betsey.
Joanna:And I’m Joanna.
Betsey:In this lesson you’ll learn clothing-related vocabulary.
Joanna:The conversation is on the phone.
Betsey:It’s between Ewa and Kate.
Joanna:They’re friends, so they’ll be using informal Polish.
Betsey:Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Ewa:Zaraz idę na spotkanie klasowe i nie wiem, czy mój strój jest odpowiedni.
Kate:Gdzie jest spotkanie?
Ewa:W eleganckiej restauracji.
Kate:Co masz na sobie?
Ewa:Mam na sobie białą bluzkę, dżinsy i adidasy.
Kate:Może lepiej załóż eleganckie spodnie i buty na obcasie.
Ewa:Masz rację. To świetny pomysł.
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Ewa:Zaraz idę na spotkanie klasowe i nie wiem, czy mój strój jest odpowiedni.
Kate:Gdzie jest spotkanie?
Ewa:W eleganckiej restauracji.
Kate:Co masz na sobie?
Ewa:Mam na sobie białą bluzkę, dżinsy i adidasy.
Kate:Może lepiej załóż eleganckie spodnie i buty na obcasie.
Ewa:Masz rację. To świetny pomysł.
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Ewa:Zaraz idę na spotkanie klasowe i nie wiem, czy mój strój jest odpowiedni.
Betsey:I'm leaving for a class reunion and I don't know if my outfit is appropriate.
Kate:Gdzie jest spotkanie?
Betsey:Where is the meeting?
Ewa:W eleganckiej restauracji.
Betsey:In an elegant restaurant.
Kate:Co masz na sobie?
Betsey:What are you wearing?
Ewa:Mam na sobie białą bluzkę, dżinsy i adidasy.
Betsey:I am wearing a white blouse, jeans, and sneakers.
Kate:Może lepiej załóż eleganckie spodnie i buty na obcasie.
Betsey:Maybe it would be better to put on elegant pants and high-heeled shoes.
Ewa:Masz rację. To świetny pomysł.
Betsey:You're right. That's a great idea.
Betsey:Is clothing in Poland different from other countries?
Joanna:No, in general it’s the same as everywhere else.
Betsey:What’s the most popular piece of clothing among Poles?
Joanna:Definitely a t-shirt and jeans, especially when it comes to men. Unfortunately, Polish men usually don’t pay too much attention to fashion, and are satisfied with the simplest option, the one I’ve just mentioned.
Betsey:What about ladies’ fashion?
Joanna:I think it’s much better - there’s a pretty big variety of jeans, leggings, blouses, sweaters, and also jackets and winter coats. What dominates is tight clothes.
Betsey:What about formal clothing, like suits? Does the average Pole have this?
Joanna:Yes, probably everyone has at least one suit, because we have to wear them for all kinds of exams, and also job interviews and Christmas dinners.
Betsey:Christmas dinner?
Joanna:Yes, we tend to dress in more elegant clothes for occasions like Christmas, birthdays, name days, or anniversaries. Since these are special days, they require special clothes, something better than the every-day t-shirt and jeans.
Betsey:Ok, so now we know much more about fashion and dress codes in Poland - keep this in mind, listeners! And with that, it’s time to move to the vocabulary.
Betsey:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
:The first word we shall see is Joanna:strój [natural native speed]
Joanna:strój [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:strój [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:elegancki, elegancka, eleganckie [natural native speed]
Joanna:elegancki, elegancka, eleganckie [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:elegancki, elegancka, eleganckie [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:restauracja [natural native speed]
Joanna:restauracja [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:restauracja [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:bluzka [natural native speed]
Betsey:blouse; top
Joanna:bluzka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:bluzka [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:dżinsy [natural native speed]
Joanna:dżinsy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:dżinsy [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:adidasy [natural native speed]
Joanna:adidasy [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:adidasy [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:spodnie [natural native speed]
Joanna:spodnie [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:spodnie [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:lepiej [natural native speed]
Joanna:lepiej [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:lepiej [natural native speed]
:Next Joanna:założyć [natural native speed]
Betsey:to put on
Joanna:założyć [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:założyć [natural native speed]
:And last Joanna:biały [natural native speed]
Joanna:biały [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Joanna:biały [natural native speed]
Betsey:Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Joanna:The first phrase is ‘buty na obcasie’
Betsey:Which means “high heels”
Joanna:In the dialogue, Kate told Ewa to change her outfit, and one of the things she mentioned was ‘buty na obcasie’
Betsey:In English, it literally means “shoes on heels” but of course we’ll stick to the English equivalent - “high heels”
Joanna:In Polish, there’s one more word used for this kind of footwear - ‘szpilki’
Betsey:This literally means “needles” and I just can’t stop wondering WHY?
Joanna:Well, because the heels on the old-style, most basic high heels look like needles. They’re long, and very thin.
Betsey:Okay, that makes sense!
Joanna:So that’s why we call them ‘szpilki’. It’s also more specific, because we only use this word for this one type of footwear. Whereas ‘buty na obcasie’ can be anything with any kind of heel.
Betsey:Girls, I hope you took the note of that! And now it’s time to move on to the grammar!

Lesson focus

Betsey:In this lesson, you’re going to learn everything about clothing, colors, and how to say what you’re wearing.
Joanna:There’s some good news, because it means there will be not too much grammar this time!
Betsey:(laughs) I’m sure everyone is relieved! Nothing difficult today?
Joanna:It’s never difficult!
Betsey:Yeah, easy for you to say!
Joanna:Okay, okay! Let’s get to it! In the dialogue we heard the question ‘co masz na sobie?’
Betsey:which translates into the English - “what are you wearing?”
Joanna:It consists of the interrogative pronouns ‘co’...
Betsey:...which means “what”
Joanna:...and second person singular form of the verb ‘mieć na sobie’.
Betsey:Which means “to wear”.
Joanna:The literal translation of ‘mieć na sobie’ is “to have on oneself”.
Betsey:But as usual we’ll stick to the English equivalent - “to wear”.
Joanna:So, whenever you want to ask someone what he or she is wearing, just say ‘co masz na sobie?’
Betsey:“what are you wearing?”
Joanna:If you want to know how to ask about a third party, for example, check the lesson notes.
Betsey:Now let’s learn how to answer this question about our clothes.
Joanna:It’s very straightforward, just say - ‘mam na sobie..’ which is...
Betsey:...“I’m wearing...”
Joanna:...and finish by listing all the things you’re wearing.
Betsey:Sounds very simple and easy.
Joanna:In the dialogue Ewa said - ‘mam na sobie białą bluzkę, dżinsy i adidasy’
Betsey:which translates into “I’m wearing a white shirt, jeans and sneakers”
Joanna:If we break down this answer, we’ll get - ‘mam na sobie’, the first person singular form of ‘mieć na sobie’
Betsey:“to wear”
Joanna:...then three pieces of clothing in the accusative case - ‘białą bluzkę’...
Betsey:...“white shirt”...
Joanna:...and ‘adidasy’...
Joanna:For more clothing vocabulary and a table with colors in all genders, check the lesson notes.
Betsey:Before we end this lesson, let’s do a bit of practice. Listeners, repeat after Joanna
Joanna:‘Co masz na sobie?’
Betsey:[pause] “what are you wearing?”
Joanna:Now try to answer pointing out the main pieces of clothing you’re wearing at the moment. Start with - ‘mam na sobie......’
Betsey:[pause] “I’m wearing....”
Joanna:Practice with your friends!
Betsey:Yes, always practice, practice and more practice!
Betsey:That just about does it for this lesson Thanks for listening, everyone, and see you next time!
Joanna:Do widzenia.

