
Lesson Transcript

Welcome to Can Do Polish by PolishPod101.com.
Cześć wszystkim. Emil Nowak.
Hi everyone! I’m Emil Nowak.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to talk about your occupation in Polish.
This is Mark Lee and he's on a plane to Poland.
He asks the passenger sitting next to him, Maciej Mazur
"Are you a student?"
Jest pan studentem?
Listen to the conversation, and focus on Maciej’s response.
Note: the speakers in this conversation use formal Polish.
Jest pan studentem?
Nie, nie jestem studentem. Jestem inwestorem.
Once more with the English translation.
Jest pan studentem?
"Are you a student?"
Nie, nie jestem studentem. Jestem inwestorem.
"No, I'm not a student. I'm an investor."

