Lesson Transcript

Let's practice.
Imagine you're Mark Lee and you’re an engineer.
Respond to Maciej’s question.
Jest pan nauczycielem?
Nie, nie jestem nauczycielem. Jestem inżynierem.
Listen again and repeat.
Nie, nie jestem nauczycielem. Jestem inżynierem.
Nie, nie jestem nauczycielem. Jestem inżynierem.
Let's try another.
Imagine you're Emil Nowak, and you’re a teacher.
Jesteś studentem?
Nie, nie jestem studentem. Jestem nauczycielem.
Listen again and repeat.
Nie, nie jestem studentem. Jestem nauczycielem.
Nie, nie jestem studentem. Jestem nauczycielem.
Let's try one more.
Now, imagine you're Emma Englot and you’re a student.
Jest pani nauczycielką?
Nie, jestem studentką.
Listen again and repeat.
Nie, jestem studentką.
Nie, jestem studentką.
You may have noticed Maciej Mazur say, Jesteś studentem? This is the informal form of Jest pan studentem?
This is the end of this lesson.
Remember, these Can Do lessons are about learning practical language skills.
What's next?
Show us what you can do.
When you're ready, take your assessment.
You can take it again and again, so try anytime you like.
Our teachers will assess it, and give you your results.
Well done! Now you know how to talk about your occupation in Polish. That's all there is to it.
Keep practicing — and move on to the next lesson!

