Lesson Transcript

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First, the Language PDF Welcome Pack.
New to the language and not sure where to start?
Start with the basics.
With our Welcome Pack, you get a bundle of PDFs giving you a quick overview of the alphabet, grammar, key vocabulary, and all the basics you must know.
Second, you'll be able to talk about the weather with the new Weather Conversation Cheat Sheet.
You get a simple dialogue that you can use in real life.
Download the PDF cheat sheet for free right now.
Third, if that cheat sheet was not enough, here's a bonus vocab lesson for weather.
Over 40 words that you'll know so you can speak about the weather fluently.
Fourth, the 32 words you need for language learning.
Noun, verb, adjective, sentence, grammar.
You'll learn how to say these language-related words and much more in this quick one-minute lesson.
Fifth, must-know Easter vocabulary.
Can you say Easter in your target language?
You will with this quick one-minute vocabulary lesson.
And sixth, looking for a new language learning app?
With the Innovative Language Learning app, you learn language fast through conversations.
And you start speaking in minutes because our conversation lessons are just 3 to 15 minutes long.
Download Innovative Language Learning for free for the Android, iPhone, and iPad.
To get your gifts and language learning resources, click the link in the description below.
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